The Peace Parking Lot Pothole Repair Project

The Peace Parking Lot Pothole Repair Project

The Peace Parking Lot is in rough shape and needs your help.

If you can, sweep, rake, handle a garden trowel, or pound, YOU are needed to help Patch Potholes in the Peace Parking lot to Prevent Prolonged Pavement Problems.

Wednesday May 29, 1:00 PM

Meet in the Peace Parking Lot

Wear old clothes, shoes, and gloves. Bring some water to keep hydrated. Things to bring – Things to do:
• Broom for sweeping holes
• Garden trowel and kneeling pad for cleaning edges of holes • Square shovel to        clean up loose dirt.

• Propane torch (benzomatic type) to heat edges of asphalt in holes

• Utility knive for opening bags
• Gloves for pouring the bag of patching material
• Garden rake to spread patching material

• Tamping tool, or something to pound patching material to compact it.

This is not hard.

Please come out and help!

Many hands make light the work. Questions: call Greg Loberg – 763 784 4796.

Oh… Call Greg if you can help him pick up the patching material Wednesday morning.