Sunday School
Traditional Sunday School is held at 10:00am on Sunday mornings during the school year for children ages 3 years old to 5th grade. Sunday School starts in the Choir Room with offering, music, monthly Bible verse, and prayers. Then they break off into small groups by grade level for a lesson, craft, or other activities. Each grade has a different milestone. The milestones are:
Sunday School Milestones
Preschool: Children Learn to Pray Kindergarten: Lord’s Prayer Grade 1: First Communion Grade 2: Ten Commandments Grade 3: Bibles Grade 4: Worship Grade 5: Apostles’ Creed
To register your child for Sunday School, please fill out the form below.
Sunday School and Spirit Time Registration Form
Note: If registering your child for both Sunday School and Spirit Time, only one form is needed. If you have any questions, please contact Karleen Fusenig at sundayschool@peacecoonrapids.