At Peace, we are all about serving the community. Join us! Come, partake or volunteer. All are welcome.
Family Table Meal
Served at Peace on the fourth Saturday of the month at 5:00pm. All are welcome!
Food Shelf
The food shelf provides members and those in our local community with bags of food, which are available through the office on weekday mornings.
Meals on Wheels
Peace Lutheran Church provides drivers for Meals on Wheels, a non-profit organization that provides lunch and a personal visit to those who are homebound or disabled.
Summer Lunch at Peace
A free meal served at Peace for children, families and adults from June-August.
Peace Meal
NOTE: We are currently on summer break; check back in with updates later this Fall! Peace Meal is a free meal for members and the community on Wednesdays at 5:30 p.m. during the school year. Anyone who wants to make a freewill donation to cover the cost of their meal is welcome to do so, but it isn’t necessary.
If you are interested in volunteering to help serve the meal, there are sign-up sheets in the Fellowship Hall.