About Us


In 1960, God brought us to the corner of University Avenue and Northdale Boulevard. For over 60 years, we’ve been finding ways to connect individuals and families to Christ by providing a variety of programs and being involved in our community. We strive to give all people an opportunity to grow through worship, fellowship, Bible studies, Confirmation, youth groups, and service to others. Peace celebrates its history but also notices that our work is not done.

We are very much an active, welcoming, and inclusive congregation. Peace is particularly known for our uplifting and diverse range of music, our understanding that humor and fun are central to what it means to be Christian, and our deep devotion to caring for others. We are a congregation of do-ers, “For we are what he has made us, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand to be our way of life.” (Ephesians 2:10).

We invite you to spend some time getting to know us, and we would love to meet you and hear your story. Worship with us, participate in programs and activities, or serve alongside us in the community.

Our Mission

Our mission is to Listen, Serve, and Live God’s Word. Our congregation celebrates and praises the gift of grace we’ve received from Christ and then turn outward to showering that love we’ve received to all we meet through word and action. We are a congregation that acts and participates in what God is doing in our community.

Our Beliefs

Peace Lutheran Church is an inclusive community that believes in God’s radical love for humanity. We confess our brokenness but also live into the forgiveness and grace given to all of us through Jesus Christ. We believe that through God’s grace, we are saved and our mission is to embody the gospel so others may experience God’s grace as well.

Peace is a part of the larger Evangelical Lutheran Church of America as well as the Minneapolis Area Synod. As a congregation, we are always trying to collaborate and work with neighboring ELCA churches to help others in our community experience God’s love.

Ultimately, Peace believes all are welcome to God’s house. We are a welcoming, inclusive community for all people. Whatever your situation may be, come as you are and join our fun, lively congregation.

Holy Communion

Holy Communion is offered at every Sunday service. All are welcome at the Lord’s Table at Peace. Those with special needs may request a gluten-free wafer, white grape juice instead of wine, and/or communion in their pew. Young children typically receive a blessing rather than the elements until they have completed Communion Instruction Class in 1st grade. Talk to Children’s Ministry Director to get your child on the list for the next Communion Instruction Class.


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Baptisms are performed at Peace monthly during a worship service. Parents who wish to have their children baptized or adults who wish to be baptized must attend a baptism class with the Senior Pastor during the month of the baptism. We would love to baptize you or your child! If you are interested in arranging a baptism, please contact us.


During the year, Peace hosts many weddings. We host member and non-member weddings. To find out about availablity and to receive important information regarding scheduling your wedding at Peace, please contact us.