Weekly Announcements from Pastor Valerie Brown-Greenly, Senior Pastor

Weekly Announcements from Pastor Valerie Brown-Greenly, Senior Pastor

Dear Friends,
I hope you are having a good week.  The weather has been great and it’s good for all of us to be able to be out and about, enjoying the season.  Here at Peace, we celebrated Pentecost this last Sunday.  Pentecost is the sending of the Holy Spirit, and the birthday of the Christian Church.  Before ascending into heaven, Jesus promised the disciples they would not be alone, they would not be abandoned, because he would send the Advocate (Holy Spirit) to be with them always.
I have been introducing the “Cabin Campaign” in my last two emails.  Let me say some more about this.  The summer months take many of us away from worship at Peace.  Because of the COVID 19 pandemic, many of us haven’t been able to travel or get away for a long time.  The request is that for those of us who are taking vacations, extended vacations and weekends at the cabin and lake, would consider making an additional financial donation to the mission and ministry of Peace Lutheran.  I understand this is a financial consideration, and the ‘ask’ is only for those of us who are financially able to do so.  This campaign and this ‘ask’ is not for any of our members and friends who are struggling this season.  The church is here for those of you who are struggling in any way.  Please reach out to me if you have concerns and struggles in your life, or we can be of any service to you.
A note from our Church Treasurer, David Westlund:
I want to thank our congregation and Foundational Givers for a successful Lenten giving campaign.  Your generous donations and support exceeded our expectations, and have made a substantial difference in Peace Lutheran’s finances for 2022.  I also want to thank Pastor Valerie and our Church staff for their efforts in keeping expenses low, in this inflationary environment.  Overall Church expenses in 2022 are currently -2.8% below budget, year to date.
Envelope and First Fruits Giving has been an area of weakness, however, and is currently -13.1% below budget, year to date.  We are also experiencing higher than budgeted utility costs, especially with electricity and natural gas, with the latter more than 33% higher than last year.  Your ongoing giving and gifts are needed to help support our Church and ministries throughout the year.  The Peace Lutheran Finance Committee supports Pastor Valerie’s “Cabin Campaign” as a reminder to give over the summer months.  Please also consider First Fruits as a way to give on a continual basis.  
Thank you to all of you who have responded, and who are planning to give.  
First Fruits:  Now more than ever is a good time to sign up for First Fruits automatic giving.  Your First Fruits contributions are not charged processing fees and help us throughout the year.
Thank you again for your continued financial support of Peace Lutheran.
Thank you for bringing donations for the Food Shelf.  Your donations are appreciated!  We need all of our usual requests, including cereal, oatmeal packets, canned meats, pasta and sauce, spaghetti, mac and cheese, peanut butter, jelly, personal needs like toothbrushes and toothpaste, toilet paper and paper towels, and kid friendly snacks and crackers are always welcome.
Debbie Clipson is retiring at the end of this month.  There will be a cake and coffee reception in her honor on Sunday, July 17, following the 10:00am service.  If you are not able to be with us on July 17, please send your cards and well wishes to the Church Office and those will be included on the 17th.  We thank Debbie for her 18 plus years of service to Peace Lutheran and wish her every blessing in her retirement!
Julie Barthels has accepted the position of Office Manager for Peace Lutheran.  Julie comes to us from another ELCA congregation.  Julie will do some training with Debbie at the end of this month, and will begin with us on Monday, July 11.  Please stop in the week of July 11th and welcome her to Peace!
There will be no Bible Study on Wednesday, June 15, as I am out of the office that morning.  Our next Bible Study will be on Wednesday, June 29.  I apologize for any inconvenience.
Office hours remain the same for the next two weeks: Tuesday and Wednesday, from 8:30am-Noon and Thursday, from 8:30am-Noon for those who have made in-person appointments.
COVID 19 update:  Masking is not required at this time.  Masks are encouraged, especially for those who may be immunocompromised.  For the time being, our staff will continue to mask.  Thank you for your patience, as I am sure the masking encouragements and requirements will change as we move into the fall and next winter.  I will keep you updated on any changes.
I hope you have a good week.  Be safe…take care…
Pastor Valerie
Cell:  612-280-6493     Email:  [email protected]
Church:  763-757-4459     Email:  vbrown-greenly@peacecoonrapids.org