Weekly Announcements from Pastor Valerie Brown-Greenly, Senior Pastor

Weekly Announcements from Pastor Valerie Brown-Greenly, Senior Pastor

Dear Friends,
Important Announcement about Peace Lutheran COVID Guidelines
On February 25, the CDC issued new metrics and recommendations for COVID-19.  According to the new metrics, Anoka County is currently at a low risk level, which means there is no longer a recommendation for indoor masking unless you are a person with increased risk from COVID.
Throughout the pandemic, Peace Lutheran has followed the recommendations from the
CDC, the MDH, our Senior Pastor and Church Council.  
Accordingly, beginning Sunday, March 13:
–Masks will no longer be required in our building.  Masks are welcome for those who choose to wear one.
–Social distancing will not be required, however, there are options for seating in the balcony and the Narthex area for those who wish to social distance from others.
–We will begin serving refreshments after worship on Sunday, May 1.  (We will refrain from coffee and refreshments throughout the Lenten Season.)  Please contact the church office of your willingness to provide and serve refreshments.
There will be a few other changes to our COVID protocols in the coming weeks.  In addition, should a new variant arise, causing the infection levels to rise beyond ‘safe’ levels, we will immediately adjust any protocols for the safety of our members and friends.
For the time being, Peace Lutheran Staff will continue to mask on Sunday mornings and for all classes, events and activities.  The masking recommendation for our staff will be removed in the weeks to come.
I hope the infection rate remains low so we can go forward with all of our holiday plans.  We will reincorporate ushering on Palm Sunday, April 10.  I still need you to volunteer to help with ushering.  If I can’t get a substantial crew together to take care of our 10:00am worship services, and our Easter, 8:30am and 10:00am services, then I will not be able to reinstate it.  Please contact me of your ability to help with ushering as soon as possible.
I have written we will reinstate pre-COVID Holy Communion practices on Easter morning at both services.  With that, it is necessary that you volunteer to be communion servers for those two services, so we ready for that festive celebration!  Please contact me as soon as possible if you will serve communion and which service you can help with.  
I will also need a few people who are interested in working to help set up Holy Communion for Easter services, care for the communion, and reset and clean up after each service.  Please let me know as soon as possible if you are able to help.
One of the questions you might be asking is, ‘why are we waiting until Easter for the pre-covid Holy Communion distribution?”  The first reason is that we are going to continue to use the communion pods, and celebrate when many of us can be together the first time we revert to what will feel like a refreshing return to ‘normal.’  The second reason is that it will be a Lenten discipline as we look forward to Easter morning.  Everything is not quite where we want it to be, but we are moving forward.  Like you, I look forward to this Lenten Season, the worships, and the preparation for the whole ‘family’ to be together on Easter morning.
Ash Wednesday worship is this evening at 6:30pm.  This worship will include Confession and Absolution, the imposition of ashes, Holy Communion and Special Music.  We hope you will join us for worship.  We are using the series, “In View of God’s Mercy.”  Please join us on Wednesday evenings during the Lenten Season.  Worship is at 6:30pm.  On most Wednesday evenings, we have incorporated a Children’s Sermon into the worship plan.  We hope to see many of you in worship!
There’s a lot happening around here.  This Sunday, March 6, and Sunday, March 13, we will continue to receive financial donations for the Nesdahl family.  Their home was destroyed by fire, and as they re-locate in the weeks to come, they need our help.  If you choose to contribute, please write your check to Peace Lutheran and put “Nesdahl support” in the memo.  Thank you for your generosity during this difficult time for Amy and her two sons, Jackson and Sam.  They are very appreciative of the outreach of Peace Lutheran.
I hope you have heard about our Webstore.  Simply go to Rebyl.com and go to the Webstores tab.  You will find our logo, and once you click on the logo, you will be able to purchase polos, hoodies, jackets and denims with the Peace Logo on them.  This is a fundraiser for our church.  Your products will be delivered here on Palm Sunday morning, April 10.  There is a display of the material of each item in the Fellowship Hall.  Please contact me if you have any questions.
The young people who are attending Camp Wapo are doing a Gerten’s plant fundraiser.  There are flyers and information in the Fellowship Hall.  This fundraiser goes through Thursday, April 7, and plants will be delivered on Saturday, May 14.
Our “God’s Grace” stewardship campaign continues to move forward.  At this writing we have 17 of our 22 Foundational Givers.  This means we only need 5 more individuals or families to step up to the challenge.  This also means that as of today at Ash Wednesday Worship, the campaign is on!  The rest of our members and friends are asked to join us in making a sacrificial, financial gift during the Lenten Season leading up to Easter morning.  The campaign will conclude on Easter morning.  Thank you to those of you who have made the commitment to Foundational Giving!  We are blessed by your generosity!  
Our Food Shelf ministry continues to need our attention.  We are thankful for your many donations.  Right now, we need all products, especially boxed oatmeal packets, pancake mix, syrup, peanut butter and jelly, pasta and sauce, spaghetti, canned chicken and tuna, and kid friendly cereals and snacks.
As we prepare for the Easter Holiday Baskets, it’s important we hear from you if you or a family member would appreciate receiving a basket.  Please contact me as soon as possible, as we will be finalizing the list of families soon.  All contacts are confidential.
Offering envelope boxes are available to pick up in the Fellowship Hall.
On a personal note. I will be off this coming Sunday, March 6.  I am not on vacation or traveling.  Bruce and I are celebrating our Wedding Anniversary.  We are going to hear Emily preach and worship with her at University of Hope Lutheran Sunday morning.  
Office hours will remain the same:  Tuesday and Wednesday mornings from 8:30-Noon and Thursday mornings from 8:30-Noon for those of you who have appointments with me.
Have a good week.  Take care…be safe…
Pastor Valerie
Cell:  612-280-6493     Email:  [email protected]
Church:  763-757-4459     Email:  vbrown-greenly@peacecoonrapids.org