Weekly Announcements from Pastor Valerie Brown-Greenly, Senior Pastor

Weekly Announcements from Pastor Valerie Brown-Greenly, Senior Pastor

Dear Friends,
This is letter 100!  It’s hard to believe that over the last 20 months or so, I have sent 100 weekly emails.  As I mentioned in the newsletter, these will continue, at least until we have moved beyond the major part of the pandemic.
Remember, this week, the office is closed on Thursday, September 2, as multiple staff are on vacation and will return to the office on Tuesday, September 7.  
Worship this coming Sunday, September 5, will be posted to the Facebook Worship page and on the website.  There is no in person worship on September 5.
I find it difficult to believe how quickly summer has passed and September has arrived.  As you read your newsletter, be sure and take note of the events and activities for the month.
Office hours beginning next week:
Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday mornings from 8:30am-Noon.  
        Wednesday evenings from 5:00-7:00pm
Confirmation Orientation for grades 6, 7 and 8 will be at 6:00pm on Wednesday, September 8.  One parent should accompany their student(s).  Confirmation classes will begin on Wednesday, September 29, from 6:00 to 7:00pm.  Classes will be in person and participants will be masked.  There will also be a Zoom option for those students and families who are more comfortable with distance learning.
9th Grade Confirmation
Wednesday, September 15, 6:00pm-7:00pm and
Wednesday, September 22, 6:00pm-7:00pm
Sunday, September 19, at 11:00am, Pictures & Practice for 9th Grade Confirmands
Sunday, September 26, Confirmation Sunday at 10:00am Service
National Youth Gathering next July 2022, will meet Wednesday, September 8 at 7:00pm.  Parents and youth should attend the meeting.  There will be a few updates on the next couple of months of fundraising opportunities and we will visit a bit more about the gathering.  The meeting won’t last more than 30 minutes.  We will need to register soon, so if you are interested in your child/children participating, be sure and attend the meeting.
There will be continuing updates on masking and COVID precautions as we move through the month of September. Thank you for your patience and help.
Have a good week.  Take care…Be safe…
Pastor Valerie
Cell:  612-280-6493     Email:  [email protected]
Church:  763-757-4459     Email:  vbrown-greenly@peacecoonrapids.org