Vacation Bible School Announcement

Vacation Bible School Announcement

June 28, 2021 Updated Info:  
Snack and beverage stickies (food items to donate) are now available.
Monday – Friday, August 9-13
9am to Noon
“Knights of North Castle”
“Be strong in the Lord and in the strength of his power.”
Ephesians 6:10
Age 3 through 5th grade
(4th and 5th grade students will enjoy
the VBS experience this year.)
Registration forms are available Click HERE or
in the church office during office hours.
Fee is $20 per child/$50 family max
We are looking forward to a fun week and
are so excited to have everyone come together!
We are asking kids to wear a mask at this time.
We are in need of some help:
Teaching Science for K-5th grade
Lead Preschool Teacher
Games for K-5th grade
We are in need of youth to be group leaders for each grade.
Any questions or if you would like to help, please contact
REGISTRATION FORM HERE!– Please turn into the Office